prose, poetry, tales and what-nots, borne of collective insanity generated by the daily grind and severe absence of that concept called saturday.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Almost famous in December

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Game na!
"Go Lynn!"
There she was, on a primetime TV game show -- beaming, vibrant, and seemingly heavier by ten pounds (TV always does that to anyone, they say, so no worries) -- poised to conquer nine other contestants for that coveted cash price and the chance to be lead dancer of "Papaya".
How many of us know which of the first ten words of the song, "Pangako sa 'yo", starts with the letter "N"? Not me, that's for sure, nor anyone of us watching at that time. But, with a fluid swipe at the sensor (or was she just trying to fix her clothes?), Lynn nailed this question to be the very first contestant to leave the elimination round and rise to the next level.
And be the first to be interviewed by the game show host.
The exchange was a blur, but I've never seen the host so star-struck. Way to go Lynn! Haha!
The next level features the "atras-abante" maneuvers. While she was overshadowed by two married contestants and got the nasty "atras" from a gasoline shop crew, Lynn showed a stellar performance by answering the trickiest of questions ("Ano ang tawag sa nakababatang kapatid na lalaki ng iyong Lola?") and showing compassion to fellow contestants (by not using her "Atras" powers).
Cheers to you, Lynn! Congrats for your winnings! And thanks for the blowout (hindi yata lahat nakakain. Isa na ako doon)! The Techies are so proud of you! ^^
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Behold, (drum roll) the art of Marco.
This year we are sharing a question, which personally I think is quite apt amid the turbulent times:
Sa pangkalahatan, masasabi po ba ninyo na ang inyong Pasko ngayong taon ay magiging..? [On the whole, would you say that your Christmas this year will be..?] (Masaya [Happy] code 1, Malungkot [Sad] code 2, Hindi masaya at hindi rin malungkot [Not happy and not sad] code 3)
Maligayang Pasko at
Manigong Bagong Taon 2008!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Telephone Toughie
(Phone rings incessantly. Lynn rushes to her table to pick it up.)
Lynn: "HELLO! SINO 'TO?!!"
(A few seconds of silence.)
Lynn: "Hi Sir..."
- When inside the office, never EVER think, even for a second, that you will not get a call from your boss.
- You only need to remember two voices in the office: 1) your boss' and 2) that of others. You could forget the latter, but the former you must be able to distinguish down to the most minute tone and timbre, in all conditions (imagine choppy cellphone signal and barely audible murmur) and at all times (short of becoming a pre-cog like Vlad who could predict Papa Bear's calls with 99% accuracy).
And so ends the story of Telephone Toughie Lynn. ^ ^