And this year's theme pretty much gives everyone a shot at their most cherished fantasies: "Famous Movies".
Shown in the photo, from left to right:
Papa Bear, as Indiana Jones Sr. The props: leather cowboy hat and a real rope-whip. Good thing he never carries that thing around the Tech area. Imagine this: "Mike, I need that sampling! Hwabish! Leo, where's that media release? Hwooopak!!"
Ooooohh! *shudder* Just kidding! ^^
Mae, as Hermione Granger. The props: a witch's hat made by Ramon, a necktie, a toga, and a wand. Wingardium Leviosa!
Mike, as the rock and rollin' Dewey Finn of the movie School of Rock. The props: plaid shirt, denim jeans, and his very own electric guitar. Melt their faces, man!
Ramon, as the legendary ninja. The props: a complete ninja suit! and a black short staff as sword. You sneaky, sneaky you.
Mear, Lara Croft. The props: all-black kick-ass outfit, leather belts, pistols, and the hairdo that completes that Lara-look.
I came as Eric Draven from the movie The Crow. The props: improvised trenchcoat, all-black outfit, black straps, ropes, a wig, and dog chains. Thanks to Joan for my make-up. ^^
Vlad, as the late Arturo "Bomber" Moran, a huge (literally) villain who was a favorite cast in the 80s to 2002-something Pinoy action-comedy films, best known for his brand of portraying "kontrabidang palpak".
Over half of the staff came as witches from Hogwarts, an evidence maybe of the film's recent hit. The talented Marco put his skills to use and came as Optimus Prime, with armors made of old vertical file boxes and used cardboards (given the chance, I'd award him the Most Environment-Friendly Costume).
The most daring costume would be that of our Field Anchor, Con, who came as Tinkerbell. I need not describe this one. Vegetable salad, anyone?
More about the Mother Station christmas party in the next post! Happy holidays!