Monday, February 14, 2005

workplace with a heart

is it me, or there seems to be an influx of beautiful people (naks!) from LB here at the tech area?

okay, so it's not just from LB, but i do mean it when i said beautiful (naks uli!).

i find it just fair for the ladies here to complain about the station's lack of male staffs. rest assured, though, that this issue -- the station's propensity to be feminine (meaning, having more females) -- has been subjected to scholarly studies by no less than dr. pepe abueva himself and other fellows from the academe.

i have yet to see dr. abueva's full report (done in 1995, if i remember correctly), but i was told that one of the conclusions were "... this organization is feminine in nature".


the world of research, i admit, is not exactly a male-dominated profession. not just by experience (of the total 15+ something in my comm research batch, there were only 4 of us guys), more than a few studies have found distinct relationship of gender differences with several aspects involved in research such as query, numbers, intuition, and human interaction (the word OC comes into mind). just don't ask to me to cite my references now (can reader's digest qualify as a source?).

there's a new catch phrase going around the station lately -- workplace with a heart (no, not the "productive" thingy, that's something else).

the few men here at the station have no complains, really. we may not be the hunky, yuppie-types that lynn is looking for, but just as everyone else, we certainly have big hearts.

happy valentine!!

for editing later ---> post picture of "nasty sisters" here + the new secretary and hr staff. heehee.

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