Here's a shot of the teh-killah that killed us all.
A closer inspection of the label would show that agave is not even in the ingredients.
Anyway, we were in Coolwaves, Bulacan sometime first week of April not to kill our brains cells but to spend some quality time with Lynn who, as of blog time, is now with her hubby in Australia.
It was an evening trip from SWS office in Quezon City to Bulacan (thanks to Ar and Ahmed for the ride) which showcased the outstanding tracking and guiding skills of Vlad, who was then on a separate trip with his wife, in-laws, etc.
With Mike describing our whereabouts through the cellphone, Vlad was able to track us down and finally tailgate us along NLEX. I say it was an amazing feat, considering how heavy the traffic was in that area.

Getting to the resort was a bit tricky (watch for the flags, said Vlad), especially at night. When we got there, the place was so packed it took Mae a while to bag a cozy room for all seven of us.
Lynn did a great job of concealing the bottled goodies in her bags by covering them with uhm swimwear and undies. I guess they were effective barriers against the security guard's poking stick. Peace, Lynn!
The guard did let the harmless-looking local wine through without corkage fee. How kind of him.
And so we drank, ate barbeque, and talked about Lynn's life in SWS.

I blacked out on my nth shot of teh-killah. Shucks, I was hoping to see Lynn cry before I crash, but no -- I was never built for hard drinks, much more for killer teh-killahs.
Maybe the other Techies could fill-in the gap in the story. I was just told the next morning that everyone else took a dip at one the pools while I lie wasted on the bed.
I woke up with a nasty headache and no recollection of how I ended up in bed. This worried me a lot, knowing I have done really stupid things in the past after having too much liquor. It was a relief to be told later that I went to bed quietly and just blacked out.
Everyone who've had the teh-killah suffered major headache that morning.

The resort staffs kept telling us, "Ayan na. Paaandarin na." Pero namuti na ang mata at nangulubot na ang balat namin sa kahihintay, walang tinamaan ng kulog na waves.

And all the best to you, Lynn!
..i like hard drinks, but i never had an unbearable headache as the one i had after that teh-killah...heck, it wasn't even a hang-over...
dapat mag-ingat sa mga ganitong inumin.
let's drink only genuine teh-killah!
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